This call is targeted to the transfer or mainstreaming of shortlisted outputs of finalised Interreg MED projects.
For a detailed description of objectives and contents of the Call, possible types of activities, partnership composition and the list of shortlisted outputs eligible to capitalise on, please refer to the relevant Terms of Reference.
The indicative financial allocation for this call is about 4,6M€ (ERDF + IPA + national co-financing). The final allocation is subject to further decisions of the Interreg MED Programme Steering Committee.
For the current call for proposals, applications will be conducted in a single phase. The submission procedure consists of two main parts: a full Application Form, to be filled in and validated, and several annexes (including Partners’ additional documents) being compulsory, which shall be uploaded in SYNERGIE CTE monitoring tool. There are two different deadlines to be respected.
The application must be submitted electronically using the on-line monitoring tool of the Interreg MED Programme, SYNERGIE CTE.
For this call, a restriction to the eligibility of Lead Partners apply: only partners having participated in the modular project the proposal will capitalise on (see eligible list in the Terms of References) can apply as LPs. Furthermore, a partner can apply only once including its candidacy as LP in the framework of the call. Please refer to the Terms of References for all partnership requirements.
- The application phase of the 5th call for modular projects is open, from 1st February 2021, at noon (metropolitan France local time) to 15th April 2021, at noon (metropolitan France local time).
- The application must be finalised and validated using the on-line Interreg MED Programme tool SYNERGIE CTE before the set deadline. On 15th April, at noon (metropolitan France local time) the full application will not be accessible anymore in SYNERGIE CTE
- The applicants have until the submission of the proposals assessment to the Steering Committee to upload on SYNERGIE CTE the compulsory annexes. The uploading must be completed at the latest by 10th May 2021, at noon (metropolitan France local time).
The compulsory annexes required are:
- A scan of the signed Application Form confirmation page (PDF version of the Part E of the submitted Application form);
- A scan of the signed Partner declaration from all participating partners, including the Lead Partner, using the template provided by the Programme;
- A scan of the signed “De minimis” declaration only from the partners whose activities within the project are State Aid relevant and that are willing to apply the de minimis Regulation, using the template provided by the Programme;
- A scan of the signed Associated partner declaration, using the template provided by the Programme, one for each associated partner (if applicable).
The applicants are invited to read carefully the Terms of Reference of this call, that includes the Eligibility and Assessment grids linked to this call, published with this announcement as well as the SYNERGIE guide dedicated to the application phase for this Call, to learn more about the modalities of the submission procedure and facilitate the drafting of your proposal in the monitoring tool. Failure to comply with the set procedure will entail the non-eligibility of the proposal.
In order to avoid important delays in the timely submission of the full application, the Interreg MED Programme Joint Secretariat invite all applicants to start filling in the application form on Synergie CTE and to initiate the signature process of the compulsory annexes as soon as possible.
The non-respect of the submission procedure and eligibility criteria can lead to the non-eligibility of a proposal, meaning that the proposal will not pass to the assessment phase. Please find below some tips to avoid most common mistakes in the submission of annexes:
- Respect the deadlines set for this call, and do not wait until the last minute for finalising the submission procedure;
- Regarding the application form confirmation page, that has to be signed and uploaded to the online monitoring tool of the Interreg MED Programme, SYNERGIE CTE: the confirmation page refers to the Part E of the Application Form. It has to be completed and signed after its electronic submission in the system. The PDF version of this page is issued from the submitted in the system Application Form and has to be uploaded, once duly completed and signed. No other version will be admitted. Please refer to step 10 of SYNERGIE guide to fulfil this step;
- Regarding compulsory annexes:
- the correct templates should be used, depending on the role (Lead Partner or Partner or Associated Partner) of the partner and the co-financing instrument (ERDF or IPA);
- All fields should be duly completed, including references to the relevant project proposal, names of signatories, signatures and date when requested;
- Templates should not be amended;
- In case of delegation of signature, a proof of delegation should be attached to the document; there should be no discrepancy between the name of the signatory and the legal representative without proof of delegation of signature;
- The amounts of national co-financing indicated in LP and Partners’ declaration should correspond to the amounts indicated in the Application Form;
- Project duration should correspond to indications set in the Terms of reference: 13 months maximum, starting from 1st June 2021;
- For this call, the minimum requirements for partnerships are: at least 3 different countries from the Interreg MED Programme area of which, at least 1 from the European Union part of the Interreg MED Programme area.
An eligibility and administrative check, as well as a qualitative assessment will be conducted. According to the provisional calendar established for the call, the results of the eligibility assessment are expected by beginning of February, whereas the results of the qualitative assessment, leading to the approval of projects under the 5th call for modular projects, are expected by the end of May 2021.
Applicants are invited to establish as starting date for their projects June 2021.
In order to draft your proposals correctly, it is important for you to read carefully the following documents:
- Terms of Reference for this Call, including eligibility and evaluation criteria
- Courtesy application form template
- Dedicated SYNERGIE CTE guide to facilitate the drafting of your proposal
- Programme Manual
- Cooperation Programme.
An applicant Seminar will be held on-line on 12th February 2021. You may check the details here.
For further information, you can contact the national contact point representatives (contact details can be found on the “National Information” webpage) or the Joint Secretariat at programme_med@maregionsud.fr.
“The Region Sud Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, as Managing Authority of the Interreg MED Programme, processes electronically personal data related to applicants and beneficiaries under the legal compliance with EU legal framework and regulations to carry out the activities of the Interreg MED Programme, in compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation.
For this purpose, all persons interested and concerned have the right of access, rectification or erasure of personal data collected and stored by the Programme.
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