On Wednesday, November 15th the EUDA team was glad to host the representatives of Easy School of Languages from Valletta, Malta. The seminar took place at Střední průmyslová škola in Prague, and welcomed some seventy-five enthusiastic teachers as participants.
After a brief introductory video showing the beauties of Malta and the advantages the Easy School of Languages provides, the representatives of the School, Ms. Galeann Barbara and Ms. Rita Ramelyte went on to describe the main features of their Institute, such as the pretty location, the comfortable accommodation options and, of course, the different types of English courses the School offers.
Among them, the most popular and the main topic of the seminar, was the Teacher Training course: the School works with teachers from various countries and different backgrounds to help them improve their language skills and the quality of English language teaching.
The presentation was very much appreciated by the participants, and the seminar continued with Mr. Martin Synkule explaining what EUDA can do for those interested in taking one of the courses presented, and how this fits in the framework of EUDA’s work within the Erasmus+ Program.
Finally, the Q&A session led to an enthusiastic debate among the participating teachers, who were able to further understand the structure of the courses, the functioning of Erasmus+ and the advantages that the Easy School of Languages and EUDA can provide.
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