National Training App Your School

On 22th May, European development agency in collaboration with ZUŠ Music Art and DISK Multimedia company organized a National Training fo App Your School. The project concerns the use of media and technology in education, more info here. Within the framework of the conference, participants learned interesting information about the project App Your School, which explores new media and applications. EUDA Manager also presented biographies of two Italian teachers Manzi and Munari who are considered to be among the first significant innovators in the field of using ICT in education. Therefore, they are role models for the project.

In the second part of the conference, the representatives from the ZUŠ presented the current state of art of multimedia education in the Czech Republic. Furhther, they spoke about their personal experiences with the use of multimedia in classes. The conference was attended by around thirty listeners who had the opportunity to learn more about the importance and effectiveness of using new media and technologies and thus took a number of valuable insights that they could certainly use in the future.

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