On 3rd and 4th May, the second transnational meeting of 3DP-Help Erasmus+ project took place in Iasi, Romania. All 5 partner organizations, coming from the Czech Republic, Malta, Romania, Lithuania and Croatia, encountered to discuss the results achieved. The main aim of the project is precisely concerned in developing training material to help Adult trainers to attract, reach out and assist adult learners to catch up with the 21st Century digital skills of 3D-printing. In this phase the attention has been concentrated on the first two outputs realized according to the project plan.
The first one, Guidelines on the use of 3D printing in Adult education, based on partners experience and on preliminary studies carried out was led by the Maltese organization MECB Ltd, however, all partners contributed to this part of the project.
The second output, Case Studies for Adult Education was led by Romanian organization Ludor Engineering SRL. A survey to identify the most relevant case studies relative to the uses of 3D Printing was performed and the selected case studies were analyzed in order to find out best practices and other useful ideas for the 3DP course.
The European Development Agency, lead partner of the whole project, is the organization responsible for the third output: Curriculum of a 3DP Course Adult Training, which now be developed.
The ideas are growing up and we are on the right track, ready to move forward.
You can find more information on the website of the project: http://3dhelp.euda.eu/, and Facebook page of the project: https://www.facebook.com/3DHelp.Enhancing.EU.Employability/.
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